Icarus - E-Commerce Website

  • Tech Stack:Angular JS, Java REST APIs, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Java Security/ Spring Security, Spring Framework , Lambda Functions & Method Chaining, JSON Web Tokens
  • Github URL: Project Link

A Java-based E-Commerce website developed using Spring Boot, Java Persistence API, Spring Security, Multithreading, and Angular.js.

In the dynamic landscape of online commerce, the ability to seamlessly integrate robust backend functionalities with intuitive user experiences is paramount. Leveraging the power and flexibility of Spring Boot, along with a suite of complementary Java technologies, we embark on a journey to craft an exemplary e-commerce platform.

Our project centers around the development of a sophisticated e-commerce website, designed to cater to the diverse needs of modern online shoppers. With Spring Boot as our foundation, we harness the efficiency and productivity it offers, enabling rapid development and deployment of our application.

Key Features and Technologies used in our Project:

  • Spring Security: Security lies at the heart of any online transactional system. By integrating Spring Security, we ensure robust authentication, authorization, and protection against common security threats, safeguarding the integrity of our platform and user data.
  • JPA (Java Persistence API): Leveraging JPA, we establish seamless interaction with our underlying database, facilitating efficient management of persistent data entities. Through the power of object-relational mapping, we bridge the gap between our Java objects and the relational database model, ensuring fluid data access and manipulation.
  • Multithreading and Synchronization: Asynchronous processing is essential for handling concurrent user requests and optimizing resource utilization. By implementing multithreading techniques, we enhance the responsiveness and scalability of our application, effectively managing concurrent tasks and delivering a seamless user experience.
  • Other Important Java Topics: Our project delves into various Java concepts like exception handling, synchronization, and other best practices, including but not limited to dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and design patterns. These principles collectively contribute to the maintainability, extensibility, and overall quality of our codebase.